Wednesday 3 May 2017

Let Real Life Begin!... anytime now.. Round 2: Pictures and Less Typos?

I've now spent just over three weeks in Melbourne. It's starting to feel more like home. 

I'm familiar with the area that I live in and a few others. I now look the right way before crossing the road. It's actually harder than it seems. We are so accustomed to traffic coming from a particular direction that my first few weeks here, my crossing the road happened only after my head had swiveled back and forth a minimum of 5 times. 

I blend in much better here than in Mexico... I've been asked no less than 8 times for directions. Three of those times I actually gave good directions.

Work has been a little sparse to start. Waking up at 6 am for no reason really sucks. Being the semi-motivated individual that I am, I have a few other leads on the go. One of which is working at a cafe near a beautiful beach in the Sandringham suburb. Most hilarious interview ever. The owner did not ask me any questions. 

Sandringham Beach

Actually, that's a lie. I asked him if he had any questions for me, to which he responded, "Do you have any questions?" Either way, work is work. I'm hoping next week will be busier for subbing. I make about 2/3 more here as sub. I've only worked 2/5 possible days, but ive been requested back to a school that was an hour and a half  away by public transport. School was really good though! Kids are the same as here except they wear cute little uniforms. Always some bad boys in the bunch. Almost ALWAYS boys. Haha.. this school was worth the commute. So far the schools are very open air with lots of light. 

I've found a gym to continue crossfitting. It's more money than home, so I wasn't going to continue. I tried an anytime fitness- which was fine, but I missed the group dynamic. I tried a few Crossfit gyms and have been REALLY impressed with 
Schwartz Crossfit Melbourne. The owner, Ben Schwartz was generous enough to give me a full week trial period. The level of coaching is phenomenal! There have been multiple coaches working with the group each night. I got no repped and corrected so many times. Felt like I took a few steps back, but I think that their strict approach to technique will help me with some movements that I've become stagnated with. (Is that the proper use of stagnated?) The gym has a reputation for sending many competitors to regionals. Very excited to continue my Crossfit journey! 

After sleeping on a mattress on the floor for two weeks, I've been so excited about my bed frame being delivered! So, it get here last night and I assemble the hell out of it by myself, using only an Allen key (which was provided...).  Hour and half later, feeling quite proud of myself, I throw my mattress on top. And..

It. Doesn't. Fit.

I check my bills. Both the frame and the mattress are doubles. I clearly was given the wrong size of one of them- I think the mattress, as I had trouble with getting the sheets on as well. Needless to say, I slept on it anyways. The head end was inclined like a hospital bed, which was really helpful when you're eating Pizza Hut pizza in bed. Bed food is my favorite. I'll keep you posted on how Super Amart chooses to compensate me.

FUN FACT: There is no Walmart here! They do have Kmart and target. Apparently something to do with not paying workers well enough...

FUN FACT #2: Now, when the Burger King franchise came to Australia, they were not allowed to have a reference to royalty in their business name. Therefore, Burger King is known as Hungry Jacks here. So someone told me.


Today, I'm going to see an AFL game, which my roommate attempted to explain to me. After a couple YouTube videos, I think I get what he was saying. I don't understand what he says a lot of the time. For example, I thought he was a "Buddha," for a full day, before I realized he said "builder." Did I tell that story last post? I don't care. I think it's super funny. Anyways the game is rough, no padding, hard hits. And of course, athletic dudes in short shorts. Don't mind if I do. 

Miss you dear sweet friends! My life will become more thrilling once the cash starts flowing! 

Melbourne is a beautiful place to live :)



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It sounds like Melbourne is an interesting place. I can't believe they don't have a Walmart there, they are everywhere. Also, they can't name Burger King with a royal reference. I have never lived in Australia, but want to visit some day. I have though lived in Mexico and loved it. It is so pretty and the beaches are out of this world!

    Dylan Lovell @ Mattress Sale Liquidators
