Sunday 7 May 2017

A Taste of Rejection

Well, I had a taste of rejection this week. 
Ohhhh my poor, delicate ego...

I had an interview at a large, beautiful Catholic secondary school. The job was 9-11 mathematics. I felt the interview went quite well and feedback from the agency that set me up with the interview was quite good. However, apparently they felt I didn't have the knowledge to teach the grade 11 math. The kicker for me is that I studied the Victorian Grade 11 math curriculum before my interview. I knew the areas of study by heart. 

They did not ask me one single question about the grade 11 curriculum. They actually didn't ask me any curriculum related questions. They asked me to give an example of a year 9/10 math lesson that I'd given.

I cry foul. Maybe that's me being petty. I've been fortunate to have had all of my interviews yield a positive results in the past. All but one, I guess. But the one was a painting company that I wasn't really interested in anyways due to the door to door sales component. I don't count it. However, it sucks to be rejected for a reason that you were never given the opportunity to demonstrate. 

Oh well, live and learn. Rant over.

This week was fairly quiet in terms of activities. A little busier in terms of work. I have a shift tomorrow that's a trial for a 6 week block of teaching. It's a bitch of a commute. One hour and forty by public transport. On the ride back, I saw some Middle Aged guy pick scabs for 15 minutes. I also met 6 lively (drunk) old chaps that were getting back from their weekly booze filled lunch. 

Oh the things you see.

 If I get the trial, I'll look at buying some cheap beater to get me there and back. Fingers crossed!! I've also been looking into advertised teaching positions that Have been posted online. I applied for 4 of them just today. I'm also in the running for some secondary English subbing blocks. 

In other news, I started working at a restaurant called  Sons of Mary. Those old guys told me it was kind of pretentious. So far it's been decent . I make $22 an hour plus tips. Tips are not here what they are at home, but they are more than none. Serving here is different. It's rude to start clearing plates before everyone at the table is finished. They consider it too pushy, while I consider it dirty and inefficient to leave the plates. It's very much a team atmosphere. Back home, I found serving was every man for themselves. The staff seems nice, albeit young. One of the girls is leaving in June and might sell me her car haha. 
Sons of Mary


I saw a praying mantis and a huge spider this week. Spider had a body the size of a plum. Praying mantis had insane camoflauge. Got a picture of the mantis not the spider.

I've ended up a little under the weather and a little broke, so my weekend has consisted of Netflix and bed. OH! My correct mattress was delivered and now I have a nice flat bed that is not on the floor, like a normal person. Today, I took a 7.5km coastal walk down to the library to fire off some teaching resumes. I signed up for a library card today! Wild right? 
This place really is so beautiful. Though it is getting cold and you guys are getting warm.. but just wait for November. The cold here is a wet cold though, so I've felt a bit of a wuss sometimes. I could see my breath when it was 7 degrees. 


Oh, I bought some Kangaroo Sausages for $5. I haven't even seen the animal yet I've bought it's meat. I'll keep you posted when I get the stones to try them. 

I haven't tried vegemite yet either. Slow and steady. 

I refuse to call this city "Melb'n." I'm not going to pretend I'm Australian for one name. Like I said in my earlier post, I like exploiting my Canadian exoticism. I have been asked if I'm American (immediate correction occurs,) Irish (?,) and Norwegian. Apparently, I have an unusual accent and the Australians detect a hint of European in it.

I do remember a man, who worked for Safeway back home, ask me where I was from because I have an accent.
To which I replied, "Here."
He then says, "But where were you born?"
So I talk weird and I'm gonna own it. Adds to the mystery right?

I think that's about it for now. Hopefully, next week brings more exciting news. 

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