Tuesday 30 January 2018

Here for a good time, maybe a long time?

Oh, well hi. I didn’t see you there. That’s why I’ve been ignoring this blog for half a year...

Now a lot has happened in this relatively short time period, so I will attempt to be concise and hit the major topics.

Fortunes, misfortunes, travel, and relationships 


What can I say? I’m over the moon with the amount of good fortune I’ve stumbled upon.
 First, I was in the right place at the right time and managed to get a term position teaching math and science at a prestigious school called Haileybury. The school has a lot to offer, but I’m particularly fond of all the free food. Seriously, school start up days you get a morning tea buffet and lunch. Parent-teacher interviews, we get dinner. It’s real nice, if I do say so myself.
Second, the school was a fair distance from my home at that point, therefore, I decided to move. The complex that I moved into is filled with like minded misfits.

What a bunch of ragamuffins 

We hit the piss, take in sunsets, indulge in late night chats, and cook big, sexy meals together. Sometimes you just gel with people.

I knew that I was going to want to stay longer. I was only just settling in. At the start of October, I began chucking resumes to anywhere that seemed somewhat suitable. In order for me to extend my visa, I would need to acquire sponsorship. Not easy to do among schools where you have little to no reputation. I had four interviews. Was offered three positions with sponsorship and CRT work at a school that didn’t provide sponsorship. Interviews are my jam, as I arrogantly proclaimed in my Snapchat story of the day. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always been good at interviews. One of the positions offered was at the school I’m currently working! The choice was easy. 

I get to wear gowns like Harry Potter!

Sponsorship means a fast tracked (and cheaper) path to obtaining permission to stay in the country longer. Had I not received sponsorship, I would have had to pursue my second visa on a point based system and covered all costs on my own (minimum $4000). Or I could have worked 88 days at a farm for some reason. I don’t quite understand why Australia has the farm work requirement for those looking to obtain a second visa, but they do. I’m just not good with those types of jobs. I sorted potatoes when I was twelve or so and absolutely hated it. I got SO bored. Dodged a bullet there.


Well, I had my phone stolen off me when I fell asleep on the train. I fell asleep (passed out) and someone stole my phone out of my hand during and hour long train ride home after a night out (sorry, Amber). But now I have a way better phone.

I might have been fed during parent teach interview, but i also was riding public transport. So it’s 9:00 pm and I’ve been fed and bailed my PT interview- the bus is right on schedule. I stand outside with my out stretched arm, flailing, in order to obtain the attention of the his driver, only to watch him drive by me with an empty bus. 

So I wait 25 minutes for the his, which picks me up. This bus gets me to the train station. Just in time for me to miss the train and wait half an hour for the next one. 

A half hour trip ended up lasting an hour and a half. 

All in all nothing too to gripe about. 

Long story short. I don’t know how long I will be here, but life has been good. 

Could be a while...