Sunday 27 August 2017

A Lesson in Vegetables with a side of Theme Bars

Lately, I've been comparing Aussie and Canadian slang and have found that vegetables, of all things, are quite differently named. 
Arugula= Rocket 😏
Romaine= Cos
Bell Peppers= Capiscums 
🍆= aubergine 
Green Onions- Spring Onions
To-may-to = to-mah-to
Po-tay-to = po-tah-to

Just kidding on the last one. 

Last couple weeks have been filled with theme bars! 

First stop: George's Bar, A Bar About Nothing. This little gen was found in the North side of Melbourne, in a little hipster hub called Fitzroy.

It was funky, quaint, and loaded with Seinfeld memorabilia. The menu had tasty little toasty named after Seinfeld characters, snickers/Twix served with cutlery, and, of course, pretzels. Probably to make you thirsty so you drank more.

I went there with my Canadian comrade, Amber, to meet an Aussie fella named Tim (whose birthday it was,) his friend, Tom (actually,) and Toms girlfriend Maddy. 

Let me tell you about Tim. Tim is a wry son of a bitch that I met a year and a half ago on an online page called interpals. It really was just as cool as it sounds. I was on there searching for Melbournians and Tim was looking for Moscowians(?).  We became friends/enemies, primarily due to Tim's unprovoked hatred for all things Canadian. That being said, about a year after we met online, Tim met me at the airport and gave me my first taste of Melbourne down in the notable suburb of Brunswick. Shortly after, he returned to Russia to corrupt young Russian children by teaching them the Aussie ways. 

Tim returned to Melbourne for Russia summer holidays with a little Russian language and ice skating skill and has since returned back to Russia to continue making mad cash. 

Anyways so we celebrated Tims birthday at the Seinfeld bar and it looked a little something like this:

 After some meandering about and late night pizza, we went our separate ways. Amber and I get to the Flinder's Street Station at approximately 2:15. We look for our next train departures. Ambers was at 2:50, mine at 3:09. So we bought some Lord of the Fries- I got a poutine- chowed down and then went to our separate platforms.

My train is then delayed by ten minutes.

Finally, I board the train at 3:19. I ride the train, not far from some super drunk, scabby woman (no, it wasn't my reflection,) for nearly an hour. 

It was as though I'd taken a bus trip to Winnipeg. Melbourne is huge. Especially for this small town girl. 

Last weekend, Amber, our Canadian friend, Robyn, and I visited a pub a little closer to home that put on a Harry Potter themed night. It was strange. Drinks were interesting. Tried some butter beer. The music was some creepy mystical music that played on repeat while some strange montage of Harry Potter clips that were put together in the style of The Ring.

Free photo booth though.

I stayed  at Amber's that night and we left Saturday morning to check out a city not far from Melbourne called Bendigo. 

Bendigo is a city of about 111000 that has a significant Asian influence due to the Gold Rush of 1851. It took us about 2 1/2 hours to get there.

It was nice to be in a car after so much time on public transport. 

I haven't driven in nearly 5 months! 

I will give it a go though, I promise.

We checked out a Chinese Dragon Museum, a vértigo inducing lookout tower, a giant old cathedral, Chancery Lane, and a park that was home to 100s a grey headed flying fox. Fun little day trip!

When, I got home, I crashed and ordered pizza.

This last weekend, I became real friends with one of my gym friends (meaning we hung out outside the gym). I crashed her friends fortieth birthday party. Really good group of people and far too much wine. I actually turned in a little early. Had to be done. Old Kate over indulged.

Borrowing a couple pictures from Tanya to prove that I'm actually making some friends.

Really not a very flattering picture of me. I'm pretty sure I looked better in real life. But a very appropriate drinking vessel!

All in all, I'm really enjoying my time here. I can't believe it's nearly been 5 months! I'm definitely looking into extending my Visa. 

Ta-ta for now sweet friends :)